“Where I lay my head is home”

Before you read, please note: this post was translated with the help of Deepl.
If you find any errors – please have fun first and then give me a hint.
It’s not like that. I am a “Vinschger”, and the Venosta Valley is my homeland. Schluderns – my village, the Malser Haide, the Stelvio Pass, the dusty Sonnenberg and the damp alluvial forests, the Churburg, the Tartscher Bichl – all this is within me, and with all this I am rooted. Here my soul encounters everything it desires:
Strong winds that carry me, dark forests that earth me, stones for the pain and deep grass for the relief. Buzzards on the electricity pylons and bearded vultures in unreachable heights, marmots in my lane and mice in the compost. Fried sausages in our “Paarl” bread, bacon with alpine cheese, Kaiserschmarrn with cranberry jam, cappuccino with a glass full of “Pippm”-water, panettone with butter.

My home, the Venosta Valley: here lie the roots of “MotorProsa”
I live in the middle of the mountains, surrounded by the highest peaks and unique cultures, not far from tri-country corners and protected from straightforward monotony. It is sometimes difficult, sometimes absurd, some things not only I dislike. It smells of fruit, of hay, of dry earth and burnt wood, of cow dung and tractor diesel, of pesticides and cyclist sweat.
For many people, my home is at the end of the world – for many people it is the longed-for paradise at the end of a journey. It is overrun by visitors, by action seekers, by those seeking peace and quiet, and left behind by progress. South Tyrol is “Top of the World” and at the same time a small, insignificant spot in the Alpine arc.
My home: a miracle,
an event, magical ..
The sight of Ortler and Königsspitze, coming from the Reschen Pass, is always a welcome sight. A trip to the Stelvio Pass, at six in the morning, is a miracle every time. A walk with my son through the forest is magic every time. A bite into a Vinschger apricot is an event every time. The forces of nature and mighty nature keep the people here small and at the same time let them rise above themselves.

The Stelvio – My favorite place in the Venosta Valley
This is the Venosta Valley – my home.
Here “I lay my head”.