About me

MotorProsa: About myself

May I tell you something about me? My name is Jürgen ‚JvS‘ Theiner, I’m an author, media designer, hobby photographer, often motorcyclist, sometimes cyclist – and I tell “MotorProsa”.

Das Symbol von MotorProsa: die Füllfeder. Motorrad-Geschichten, geschrieben mit Passion

Before you read, please note: this post was translated with the help of Deepl.
If you find any errors – please have fun first and then give me a hint.

I was christened in the 1973s – in Schluderns, an old stone village in the South Tyrolean Vinschgau, where the village streets are still paved, where the farmers still wear blue aprons and where the mighty Churburg castle watches over.

They let me grow up here, go to kindergarten and to school. I got on my bike for the first time and fell down hard – not just once. Scars ate itself into my young skin. I broke into the cold water of the not yet completely frozen Saldur stream, and on its banks I got the best sunburn. Here I became longhaired, here I learned to cook and in the restored railway station – in a beautiful apartment – I founded a family.

JvS – 
  Jürgen von Schluderns

I lived in Berlin and Vienna – not for long, but at least. These large metropolises competed against the small farming village – and they lost: it always pulled me back into the “Konfall”, to my home below the Ganglegg. I lived in Prad am Stilfser Joch, even in Müstair in near Switzerland, but now I have my own four walls in Laas, where the most beautiful marble of the world is carved out of the mountain. But my home was and always will be below in the shadow of the castle.

MotorProsa: Growing up in the shadow of the Churburg

Growing up in the shadow of the Churburg

Here, on one summer evening, began my passion for motorcycling, here I found my best friends. I’ve been riding with them for over 25 years, unharmed and relatively unpunished, experiencing adventures in the near and far surroundings, writing down what I’ve learned and trying to catch suitable photos and films.

Today I am a media designer for HOPPE AG (Switzerland), and from my office I can look down into the Vinschgau. I can spend most of the year healthy and spoiled by life – and I am grateful for it. ’cause life can also be difficult, dark and painful.

My happiness are my son (14 years old) and my dear partner, and …

Happiness –
 that’s the meaning
  of it all!

MotorProsa: Favourite hobby, favourite street

Favourite hobby, favourite street


Perfectly matching

MotorProsa: Mein Leben mit der Depression


Living with Depression. Difficult times, years long gone, which I fortunately only remember darkly (sic!).
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